Trish is a Green Social Prescriber and together with others, runs the Wild & Fruity Community Garden in Bolton. Their aim is to reduce lonliness and isolation, improve physical and mental wellbeing, and introduce people to food growing and spending time in nature. They work in collaboration with The Woodland Trust Smithills Estate and Lancashire Wildlife Trust.

Trish joined the Leadership Programme to connect with likeminded people and to learn more about other projects going on across the North.

“I was pretty nervous about not knowing as much as the other participants, but I shouldn’t have worried, as we are all still learning and developing, and each individual has their own unique skill set. It’s been awesome tapping into that!
On this program you can’t help but feel inspired by all the fabulous projects and ideas people have. It’s been amazing to have the opportunity to discuss your vision for your projects and to get support and encouragement to push forward, even when at times it can feel like treading water, or swimming through treacle!
I have learnt so much about setting up and running different green based projects and have found the information on funding particularly useful.
Since being on the course we have started the process of becoming and independent community group, and have already received offers of help completing funding applications.
Having a mentor is great, someone that you can bounce ideas off, share your passion with, and get guidance on how to bring it to fruition.
Going forward we would like to become a CIC, and expand the projects we can offer our participants.

Green Leadership Programme
The Green Leadership Programme is supported by Natural England and takes place over 5 months between July – November 2023. Participants take part in practical workshop sessions at different Green Community Hubs across the North and are matched with a Groundwork mentor providing ongoing support through the programme. Find out more below