The Northern Network

The Northern Network is a radical new movement powered by Groundwork that connects green community spaces across the North of England.

Shared green spaces such as community farms, parks, fields, and allotments can all help to create thriving and resilient communities. They have the potential to bring people together, enhance prospects, improve health and wellbeing, and take positive action on the environment.

To power a vibrant new movement across the North, this new network connects communities, places, and projects, and provides learning exchanges, peer support, training, toolkits, and more.

As a result, we’re helping to create a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny, and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances.


Our Mission

Bringing people together to build healthy and happy communities that have the agency and power to make positive, sustainable change.

Bringing people together…

The Northern network connects those people and communities that are involved in the grassroots development and delivery of green community hubs across the North of England.

Through the simple act of coming-together, and by the sharing of collective knowledge, skills, and experience, The Northern Network is inspiring a flourishing new movement of community leadership and organic regeneration, for the benefit of all.


…to build healthy and happy communities….

We recognize and understand the intrinsic benefits that nature and green spaces have on personal health and wellbeing. Green community hubs open up more access to nature, breathe new life into unloved spaces, help tackle loneliness, improve physical and mental health, and build connections between people, nature, and communities.

The Northern Network is nurturing the growth of new green community hubs, in turn anchoring a root network of hubs across the North of England, all inspiring healthier and happier people and communities.

...That have the power to make positive change.

The Northern Network is equipping its communities with the skills and confidence needed to improve their personal prospects, to gain a greater sense of personal and collective agency, and to become change-makers themselves.

Green community hubs deliver credible, hopeful, and impactful counter-action to the climate emergency. From the building of local food systems, to creating nature-based solutions, growing resilience to climate events, and improving biodiversity, thriving hubs and their diverse communities can make a positive impact on the world around them.



Help us grow The Northern Network, there are lots of ways to get involved…

Attend our events

Join us at one of our online or in-person training and networking events.

Add your hub

Add your Green Community Hub to our Green Map of the North.

Sign up for our newsletter

Sign up to our mailing list to receive regular news by e-mail.