

Fair, Green and Well: Tackling Health Inequalities through Environmental Action

Climate change, nature recovery, and health inequity are three of the biggest challenges facing society today. Well planned local action can help to address all three together while bringing a whole range of benefits to local communities.

However, if we view each of these challenges in isolation, we risk missing opportunities to create to healthier, happier, more equal, and more sustainable communities for everyone.

This report looks at five key areas where environmental sustainability intersects with health: climate change, access to nature, air pollution, fuel poverty, and the food environment. In each case, it outlines strong evidence for the links between these areas and health outcomes and describes how inequality in the local environment contributes to health inequalities. 

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GROW & EAT: Pumpkin Risotto

Join Angela and the volunteers at Grow Blackpool for another Grow and Eat session, this time making a tasty Moroccan tagine using lots of freshly harvested squash and courgettes

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WEBINAR: Business Sustainability

Ruth Watson is an eco-activist, mental health advocate, and entrepreneur; with her businesses EcologicoUK and RAW Education and Training, she has navigated how businesses can be sustainable in both senses of the word. In this webinar, she discusses tips for embedding sustainability into your own community enterprise.

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