National Tree Week
It’s National Tree Week, the UK’s largest annual tree celebration. Each year, the country’s conservation sector, and volunteer groups come together to plant thousands of trees to mark the start of the tree-planting season.
It’s National Tree Week, the UK’s largest annual tree celebration. Each year, the country’s conservation sector, and volunteer groups come together to plant thousands of trees to mark the start of the tree-planting season.
Following the success of our Big Green Festival this summer, we’ll be running a series of events throughout Autumn and Winter at each of our pilot Green Hubs across the North.
We’re now halfway through our Green Leadership Programme and our cohort met again last week at the wonderful Platt Fields Market Garden in Manchester to immerse themselves in a session all about health and wellbeing.
On Wednesday 23rd August, Workington Green Community Hub celebrated the long-awaited opening of the new ‘Bee Happy’ garden in Vulcan Park.
This month, Groundwork Greater Manchester caught up with Amy, a Senior Community Project Lead and one of our Project Factilitators for the Northern Network.
One of the first acts of the Social Prescribing group was to formally commission Capacity to support their collective efforts and to help them research the sector and collate their findings.
The National Academy for Social Prescribing has released a new toolkit for anyone who has a role in developing green social prescribing in their area.
Groundwork is supporting a new £1million Community Fund to help groups across the UK protect and restore nature in their local area.
After 6 months of planning, the day had finally arrived and the sun shone as over 50 people came to the park to join in a special celebration
The latest report by Groundwork sets out the connections between health inequalities and environmental impacts and calls on local and national decision-makers to join forces in a bid to tackle the public health and climate crises in tandem.
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